History of the House Rose Wenzer

History of the House Rose Wenzer

This traditional holding (since 1593 inn) is situated at the entrance to the magic world of the Dolomites, a lovely little spot.

Familiy Baumgartner takes care of their guests since already finve generations in the best Tyrolean tradition. The hotel Rose Wenzer has been renovated with great sensitivity and the awareness of up-to-date requirmentes and demands. The rooms have all shower/toilet, TVconnection, ohone and balcony. The comfortableness of all rooms, the solid elegance, the well-known eyquisite kitchen didn´tchange at all, even like the marvelous feeling to be alwayswelcome. Some cosy, comfortable apartments (with hotelsevice in the main house) in our Apartmenthouses are open, if you appreciate a complete independence.

To say it in a few brief words: you are here in good hands for your neyt holiday!